Signup for GNL 14
Great! You’re here because you’re considering signing up for Gym Newbie League Season 14. But before you sign up, please make sure you’ve read how GNL works, understand and agree with the rules and are available for the key dates over which the league will be running.
Dates & timeline
Signup period:
Saturday March 16 to Wednesday March 27th.
Pick teams:
After the signup period, captains have the rest of the week to pick their teams. Teams will be announced by Sunday March 31st.
Practice week:
Teams have one week to meet on discord and practice from Monday April 1 – Sunday April 7th.
6 weeks of games:
Games will run for 6 weeks from Monday April 8th – Sunday May 19th. Each Sunday we’ll announce the matchups for the following week. It’s up to you to schedule a time with your opponent to play your game. At the end of the 6 weeks, we’ll have our winners!
Winners will get a special role and custom color on our discord server, ultimate bragging rights, fame and glory.