There are still a few games that have been left to be played but we can now officially say that team Boshi’s Monkees have taken first place. Congratulations to Wontu, Kaiser, YungHofer, fattsrussel, Wearseh, OldGreg, ThaGrinchy31, StarsnStripes, pischner, BrickBaw, air, Fila, habitant, Light, fourthAge, TLebbet, SoftIceCream and Remco!
Here are the point totals as of now

The season is not yet completed. There are still some make up games left to be played to determine the rest of the rankings. Those games will also determine who wins the first season of GNL fantasy league. You can see when the rest of those games will be played (once they are scheduled) on our upcoming calendar page.
Season 8 was an amazing season which implemented many new projects and ideas. Some of these including GNL implementing an easy to follow calendar that keeps track of upcoming games on our home page, We had our first fantasy league season, and there was also a new tool made by a gym member that displayed players stats which was great for the streamers to use in GNL as well.
Plans going forward
GNL will be back for a season 9. It will be in early 2022. We will post more information on here, twitter, and on discord when sign ups open. However, the coaches/captains and everyone else on discord will still be around ready to train and play in the meantime.
While GNL is on its off season we will continue hosting events such as GNL S8 Cup, the King of the Hill and there are talks of potentially holding a Gym Cup that anyone could enter.
We are always looking for new projects/events to do in Warcraft 3, on our Discord, or on our site. If you have any suggestions or ideas message one of the admins on Discord. If you would like to help out as well with any of the things being done in gym, just message Barren or one of the other admins.
Come hang out with us on Discord. The games never stop there. You can also follow us on Twitter.
Shout outs!
To make this all possible a ton of people kicked in and helped out. And at this point I want to give a few shout outs. Well actually a lot of shout outs because a ton of people stepped up in a big way. And I likely am missing a few people.
For GNL: Thank you to the floating coaches ToD, AlexChenman, ArminvB90, Hipposaur, Ceron, Guvnor, Hindsight2020, JTZ, Monk, Quberte, Sayso, and Reset. Thank you to the team captains: Kaiser, Wontu, Negaebulas, Phoenix, Barren, Jatz, Sythren, Unsaid, Lucker, Floss2xdaily, Scription, Thank you to Colorado and Link for helping maintain the schedule and the calendar.
For the site: Shout out to Sasha for making it out of nothing. Thank you to Wontu, Link, and Cepheid for helping maintain it.
For tutorials: Hankkk, Ag3nt, Sart, Hipposaur, Alterego, TheRedOrc, Penguin, Fourthage, Dragonborn, Freeman, Saveorcas, Sythren, Wontu, Freeman, Link, Scription, Krav, ToD, Fish, and Quberte. I probably forgot a few people as well… there were a ton of people giving tips and comments here.
For the new stats tool: Thank you to Seanmcnabb.
For the GNL Map banning tool and Fight Night: theOCdrummer
For Fantasy League: Thank you to Wontu, Nega Nebulas, OldGreg, Sasha, and Mission.
For GNL Cups: Thank you Softicecream.
I could honestly keep going but it would never end. I have not even thanked all the people that make the discord work like the admins and everyone who posts… or all the people who streamed GNL games… or all the GNL players… because there are simply to many of them to name. So shout out to all of you guys too.
Basically this video from the meme competition (shout out to Freeman for hosting that too) sums it all up:
Once again thank you to everyone for making this a sick season.