Week 1 of GNL S8 has almost completed and with that I thought it was time for a little update on the fantasy league rankings.
I will note from the outset that there are still PLENTY of points to be had from week 1. Three match ups have not yet been played. In the PB vs FSLA match both Pokebunny vs Barlenn and Luli vs Albz had to be delayed. The results of these games not only will net some fantasy team player points, but also potentially points for picking the right team to win. Penguin vs Philospher from CoK vs DuH has also still yet to be played from week 1.
That being said. Lets look at the scoreboard.
You can find the full scoreboard and team rosters for fantasy league here.
Here are the top 10 as of right now.
Rank | Fantasy team | Points | Team owner |
1 | Planet of the Apes | 26 | Kaiser |
2 | paperhandsmvp | 26 | Bektecus |
3 | Just play elf 5head | 24 | Remote |
4 | SICK BOYS | 24 | Sickboyyy |
5 | Backdoor Protector | 24 | Pischner |
6 | Wontu and the Wontettes | 23 | Wontu |
8 | Wake & Bake | 22 | sashaza |
9 | Piggy13 | 22 | Hellomotto |
10 | SkyrimBelongsToTheNords! | 22 | DragonbornBR |
The scores are close and rank 20 is sitting at 19 points, so its still very close in points and we may see a ton of changes in the ranks by week 2.
The man sitting at the top of the list Mr. No hands himself (Kaiser) gave us a quick look into his strategy for picking teams this season and the deep thinking that went into it.

Jokes aside about NE, we do have quite a few strong night elf players playing in GNL.
On the bottom end of things, in 57th place with 9 points is Down Undah’s (DuH) team captain Jatz. Scary enough his fantasy team has scored more points than the DuH team. GET IT TOGETHER JATZ. Also this league is totally rigged.
Will kaiser’s dominance continue? Will we have to deal with kaiser as the fantasy league king or will someone please please take the number 1 spot from him. Someone please save us. Anyone? Anyone but remote? Stay tuned for future updates.