Crypt Lord Fast Fiends With Fast Tech

This guide was created by NorthDrakkar This guide focuses on a Crypt Lord (CL) first build with a fast tech to Tier 2 (T2) and a push using Crypt Fiends. It’s designed to be beginner-friendly,…

Facing Paladin Rifle as Undead

Written by EchoGoodman with contributions from Ves This guide presents a strategy which is proven to be successful in games up to Grandmaster level. Fairly simple in its idea, but requires the ability to execute!…

Beginner Guide: Rifle Caster

Hello and welcome to playing Human in Warcraft 3! The goal of this guide is to help novice players get started with online 1v1 play. This guide assumes you have some understanding of Warcraft 3.…

Mass Talons Versus Orc

Mass talons versus Orc ran the Night Elf versus Orc meta for years, especially during the lull of patch 1.26. There’s probably someone in the Gym discord who could tell you the lore of talons…


Standard Human Mirror Guide

This guide is about how to play the Human vs Human match up in Warcraft 3, with a focus on the most common meta strategy: one base archmage footmen into priest spellbreaker. The start of…

Solo Paladin Baptism Build

Written by DarkDestroy/TheRedOrc The Solo Paladin build is effective only against Undead players and relies on hitting and runningstrategies with eliminating buildings as the primary objective to win the game. You will need to outmicro…


Human Base Building Guide

This guide is about strategically placing your buildings in a way that generates as much value as possible as a human player in Warcraft 3. It’s important to note here that there’s no consensus on…

Archmage First One Creep Camp into Expansion

This is a very common and flexible expansion build that can be used on most maps. You quickly creep one camp before expanding, which gives you some extra safety compared to an immediate expansion. This…

Night Elf’s 24 Food Proxy Expo

This build is seen mostly against Undead, but has situational viability in other match-ups. Theidea is to sacrifice a little bit of power in the early game to establish a two base economy. Onceyour economy…


Autumn Leaves 2.0 And Its Changes.

Autumn Leaves map creator, Tenshi, has been working on some changes to AL which are going live in the most updated version 2.0. While w3c ladder is still using the older version of AL it…
