Quick Headhunters and Slow Tauren Chieftain

Tauren Chieftain (TC) and Headhunters (HH) is an unconventional strategy to see in solo, but it does see some use. This build is most effective in team games 2v2, 4v4 etc due to the fact…


An Overview of Orc Upgrades

Warcraft 3 is a rather unique game when it comes to upgrades. In many other RTS games, a certain set of upgrades finishing is usually the “trigger” to start a push or timing attack towards…


No Barracks Shop Before Tech

This opening is a rather niche one for Orcs. It is usually limited to very specific map-, matchup- or build-situations where it gives you a slight advantage over its “siblings”, the No Rax Tech without…


Two Burrow Tech With Grunts

The two-burrow tech with grunts (or just two-burrow tech for short) is as its name suggests a variation of the one-burrow tech build-order where you build your second burrow before teching instead of afterwards, and…


Standard 1 Burrow, Barracks, and Shop Before Tech

This opening is one of the most standard and versatile openings for Orc. It allows you to transition into multiple different builds at tier 2 and also get a relatively quick second hero. It does…


Farseer Fast tech without Barracks

This is the fastest ‘standard’ strategy tech in the game. It used to be the go to strategy versus human until headhunters got popular and it’s still very strong in the matchup. You rarely see…


Farseer 1 Grunt into Headhunters

This is a variation of the 2 Burrow Headhunter build, that adds one grunt before building any headhunters. The added grunt gives some extra damage and tankiness for early creeping. The build is almost exclusively…


Farseer Headhunter Standard 2 Burrow Tech

The Farseer Headhunter 2 Burrow Tech is the most versatile opening orc players have. It can work vs every race and offers transitions into multiple strong mid and late game strategies. That also makes it…
