While the concept of hero experience and how it works seems straight forward at first, there are quite a few intricacies in how hero experience works in Warcraft 3 that you should be aware of…
Category: Tutorials
Hot’s Firelord Fast Expo Build
The Firelord fast expo build is HoT’s latest special. It’s probably the fastest expo build in the game, at least from a build start perspective. HoT has used Firelord in many different strategies and in…
No Barracks Shop Before Tech
This opening is a rather niche one for Orcs. It is usually limited to very specific map-, matchup- or build-situations where it gives you a slight advantage over its “siblings”, the No Rax Tech without…
Two Burrow Tech With Grunts
The two-burrow tech with grunts (or just two-burrow tech for short) is as its name suggests a variation of the one-burrow tech build-order where you build your second burrow before teching instead of afterwards, and…
Warcraft 3 Undead Base Layouts
As an UD moving up the ladder and improving it is critical to know how to block your gold mine so that you cannot be harassed. Below is a guide created by BidoFan1 on how…
Warcraft 3 1v1 Critter Spawns
As an undead player, knowing exactly where critters can and do spawn on a map is critical to early game creeping and later game if you need skeletons for harassment etc. BidoFan1 has put together…
Ghoul Pull Build vs Night Elf
This build is a strategy to be used ONLY vs night elf to cancel and/or slow the Ancient of War (AoW) creeping of a Night Elf (NE). It is not effective vs any other race.…
Quick 1 Ziggurat Tech Into Gargoyles
This build is a pocket strategy to be used ONLY vs night elf. It is not effective vs any other race. The point of this build is to disrupt the night elves wood economy as…
Standard 1 Burrow, Barracks, and Shop Before Tech
This opening is one of the most standard and versatile openings for Orc. It allows you to transition into multiple different builds at tier 2 and also get a relatively quick second hero. It does…
Farseer Fast tech without Barracks
This is the fastest ‘standard’ strategy tech in the game. It used to be the go to strategy versus human until headhunters got popular and it’s still very strong in the matchup. You rarely see…